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HELP! My AC Unit is Leaking!

Key Takeaways

What To Do If You Have a Leaking AC Unit: 

    • Recognize the Signs: Water dripping inside your house from the AC unit is a clear sign of potential issues with the system.
    • Common Causes:
      • Clogged Condensate Drain Line: Often blocked by mold, dust, and dirt, hindering proper drainage.
      • Dirty Air Filters: Can restrict airflow, causing the coil to freeze and eventually lead to leaks when it thaws.
      • Low Refrigerant Levels: May cause the coil to freeze, disrupting normal operation and potentially resulting in leakage.
    • Preventive Measures: Regular maintenance, including changing air filters every 60 days and monitoring refrigerant levels, is crucial.
    • Professional Assistance: Contacting professionals for thorough examination and repair is advisable, especially to handle complex issues like refrigerant leaks or blockages in the drain line.

When hot air passes over the evaporator coil in your AC system, condensation occurs. This moisture typically drips into a drain pan and is channeled away from your home via the condensate drain line. However, if you notice water dripping inside your house, it’s a sign that something may be amiss with your system. Let’s delve into some common reasons for this issue.

Common Causes for a Leaking AC Unit

Clogged Condensate Drain Line

One frequent cause of a leaking AC unit is a clogged condensate drain line. Over time, this line can become blocked with mold, dust, and dirt, preventing water from draining properly. While you might be tempted to clear the blockage using a shop vac, it’s usually best to ensure the job is done thoroughly by calling in professionals like those at Evolve Air Conditioning, Heating and Plumbing.

Dirty Air Filter

Another potential problem could be related to your air filters. As we’ve emphasized in previous discussions, changing your air filters every 60 days is crucial to maintaining a clean and efficient system. A dirty filter restricts airflow, which can cause the coil to freeze. When it eventually thaws, the excess water may lead to leaks. Regular maintenance is key to preventing such issues.

Low Refrigerant Level

Additionally, a low refrigerant level might be causing your coil to freeze, disrupting normal operation and potentially leading to leakage. If your AC isn’t keeping your home comfortably cool, or if you hear bubbling or hissing sounds, these could be signs of a refrigerant leak. It’s important to address these signs promptly by consulting with HVAC professionals.

Troubleshooting and Preventing AC Leaks

Dealing with a leaking AC unit can be frustrating, but with the right preventive strategies and troubleshooting tips, you can often minimize or even prevent issues before they escalate. Here’s how you can keep your air conditioning system in top shape and tackle leaks effectively:

Regular Maintenance Checks

One of the best ways to prevent leaks and other common AC problems is to have regular maintenance checks. Evolve Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing offers comprehensive maintenance services that include inspecting and cleaning the condensate drain line, checking the refrigerant levels, and ensuring the air filters are clean and effective. These checks help catch potential issues early, saving you from more significant problems down the line.

Clean or Replace Air Filters Regularly

As mentioned earlier, dirty air filters can block airflow and cause the coils to freeze and then thaw, leading to leaks. Make sure to check your air filters at least once a month and replace them every 60 days, or more frequently if you have pets or high dust levels in your home. This simple step is a crucial component of preventive care for your HVAC system.

Inspect the Condensate Drain Line

Keep an eye on the condensate drain line to make sure it’s not clogged with algae, dirt, or debris. You can do a basic check yourself by locating the line (usually a PVC pipe) and checking for any visible blockage or water backup. If you suspect a blockage, it’s wise to call professionals to clean the line thoroughly to prevent water from backing up into your home.

Ensure Proper Installation

Sometimes, AC leaks are due to issues stemming from the initial installation of the unit. If your system was not installed correctly, it might have uneven levels that cause improper water drainage or other malfunctions. If you’ve had persistent problems with your AC unit or have recently installed a new one, having a professional inspection from Evolve can ensure everything is set up correctly.

Use a Smart Thermostat

Using a smart thermostat can help maintain a consistent temperature in your home, preventing the overuse of your AC and reducing the chances of the coils freezing and thawing. Smart thermostats adjust the indoor climate based on your habits and local weather conditions, promoting efficient operation of your HVAC system.

Regularly Check for Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant leaks not only cause your system to freeze up and potentially lead to water damage but are also harmful to the environment. If you notice your system isn’t cooling as it should or you hear hissing sounds, contact Evolve AC, Heating, and Plumbing for a professional assessment. Catching and fixing refrigerant leaks early can prevent further damage and ensure your system operates efficiently.


At Evolve Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing, our qualified HVAC technicians are ready to assess your system, identify any issues, and perform necessary repairs efficiently and effectively. Addressing leaks quickly can not only prevent further damage but can also save you thousands of dollars in potential repairs.

If you suspect your AC unit might be leaking, don’t hesitate to contact us at Evolve Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing in Las Vegas. Your safety and comfort are our top priorities. Call us today at 702-809-6617 for expert assistance with your leaking AC unit. Remember, water dripping from an AC unit can be dangerous if not addressed promptly. Let us help you keep your home safe and comfortable.



What are the signs that my AC unit might be leaking?

If you notice water dripping inside your house from your AC unit, it’s a likely indicator of a problem. This moisture should normally be expelled outside via the condensate drain line.

What should I do if I suspect my AC unit is leaking?

 Initially, check for obvious signs of blockage or dirt on the air filters. If the issue seems more complex (like suspected refrigerant leaks), it’s best to contact professionals for a thorough inspection and repair.

How often should I perform maintenance on my AC to prevent leaks?

Regular maintenance, including changing air filters every 60 days and checking refrigerant levels, is essential to prevent potential leaks and ensure efficient system operation.

Why is it urgent to address a leaking AC unit?

 Leaks can lead to significant water damage and pose safety risks. Prompt action can prevent further damage and save on costly repairs.

Who should I contact if I need professional help with a leaking AC unit?

For expert and reliable service, contact Evolve Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing in Las Vegas. We are equipped to handle all aspects of AC maintenance and repair. Reach out at 702-809-6617 for immediate assistance.

Can I try to fix a leaking AC unit myself?

While you can perform basic checks and maintenance, such as cleaning air filters, more complex issues like refrigerant leaks or deep blockages in the condensate line should be handled by professionals to ensure the job is done safely and effectively.


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